Anti Aging Defense – The Sun and Vitamin D

by Healthnut Bill  - December 27, 2016

Lack of exposure to sunshine is the leading cause of vitamin D deficiency.

More mature people who have been housebound, institutionalized or hospitalized for lengthy periods encounter an increased risk of being deficient in vitamin D. This is first and foremost due to a deficiency of being exposed to the sun’s rays, which is the body’s all-natural and primary provider of this amazing vitamin.

This has led to a wide-spectrum insufficiency of vitamin D within all age groups in many different cultures.


vitamin D deficiency

Compounding this, as men and women get older the skin’s potential to take in sunshine and manufacture vitamin D from it will furthermore decline. A developing focus and comprehension during the past several years on sun-related skin disease caused many individuals of all ages to keep away from or shelter from the sun’s rays.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to increased chances of many age-related health problems.

Sad to say, a depletion of this critical vitamin will lead to an increased vulnerability to various age-related health problems. In this article, we will address the problems seen with vitamin D3 deficiency symptoms. Many of the effects and numbers of cases of these diseases are preventable if folks pay attention to healthy and balanced quality-of-life habits coupled with gaining adequate exposure to the sun’s rays.

Chronic prevention of direct exposure to direct sunlight can lead to vitamin D deficiency which will increase a person’s chance of almost any or all of the subsequent diseases that are common among the aged populace.

Osteoporosis Can Be Prevented by Sun and Vitamin D

Traditionally, the nutrient thought of as most important to bone health was calcium. A lot has been studied about vitamin D and calcium absorption. A prevailing research study is indicating that even significant calcium ingestion has no advantage and can even be undesirable if not mixed with other needed minerals and vitamins. The key ones being vitamin D and the mineral magnesium. In addition, attention should also be paid to vitamin D and phosphorus absorption.Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for creating healthy bones and reducing the prospect of osteoporosis as we age.



Acquiring ample exposure to sunshine is important for everybody, but even more so for females who are currently in their 40s and beyond. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms in women may be due to the natural circumstances of having children and lactation. Likewise, their life activities often restrict their exposure to direct sunlight leading to dangerously low vitamin D levels. Thus, vitamin D will be lowered while at the same time their bones should be supported as they age.

Many forms of cancer can be prevented by getting enough vitamin D in your body

Research study after study has determined that vitamin D is vital for helping in the prevention of more than 16 forms of cancer comprising ovarian, colon, pancreas, breast, skin and prostate cancers. Critical low levels of this vitamin can, therefore, be contributing factors in many of these conditions.

Along with being helpful in preventing specific cancers, this wonderful vitamin has also been discovered to play an essential role in decreasing the expansion of malignant cells. The function of vitamin D in minimizing the risk of breast cancer is so crucial that this cancer has been labeled by some specialists as “vitamin D deficiency syndrome”.

Studies show as vitamin D levels rise, the risk of diabetes falls.

A three-year study was performed which had 2,039 people as participants with all their blood sugar levels determined at the beginning of the study. The research workers followed up all of these study participants at six months and after that annually for three years.

Just one of their findings signified that for every rise in vitamin D levels, as computed by nanograms per milliliter, a person’s prospect of diabetes is lowered by as high as 8 percent. Those study participants who had the greatest gain in this vitamin’s levels (with an average hike of 30 ng/mL) managed to decrease their prospect of having diabetes by as much as 38 percent.


An Anti-Aging Defense Can Reduce the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

anti-aging defense

There is sufficient documentation that having low levels of vitamin D provokes a higher threat of coronary heart disease. A Harvard study established that most people who feature low values of the vitamin in their blood were two times more probable to suffer from coronary heart disease. Supplemental research studies by various other groups back these discoveries.

Low levels of vitamin D have shown tendencies toward depression.

A community of researchers performed a study in 2006 to assess the role of vitamin D in mental health. They had 80 elderly people as study participants and subsequent to determining their values of vitamin D, experts determined that those who had the lowest level of this vitamin were eleven times more in jeopardy of experiencing the indications of depression.

Research workers also detected that being given as little as 400 IU of vitamin D every day from dietary sources can drop the chance of depression by as much as 20 percent. This may appear unexpected since 400 IU of vitamin D had been thought too low to be able to produce significant real benefits.

vitamin D and diabetes


This provided substantial supporting documentation that healthy supplementing of vitamin D can be of amazing worth when sunshine exposure is restricted or otherwise not a possibility because of immobility. You should consult with your physician when looking for vitamin D supplementation guidelines. Just remember, the sun and vitamin D are critical to an anti-aging defense.


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Healthnut Bill

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